
Meal Planning

Healthy eating is a great form of self-care, especially if you have a plan.

One way to take care of yourself, and your body, is to make sure you are eating healthy food. Healthy eating can become a regular habit if you plan out your week’s meals in advance. 

Watch this video to learn more. 

After watching: 

Eating healthy means making sure your meals are balanced and have lots of vegetables, fruits, and grains. The best way to do this is to plan out at least a few meals in advance. Planning ahead means you will put a little more thought into what goes into your meals. It’s a great way to save money, too, because you can buy certain ingredients in bulk to be used in multiple meals, and plan exactly how you are going to use your leftovers. 

To start making a meal plan for healthy eating, here are a few tips: 

  • Turn meal-planning into a fun, family game. Involve everyone in making a menu for the week and discuss new foods to try. 
  • Think about how one ingredient can be used in multiple meals, so you don’t waste food. The same vegetables might pop up again and again through the week, but you get to use them in different ways. 
  • You don’t need expensive cookbooks to find great recipes. The internet is full of recipes shared by people who know how to create healthy meals that don’t take a lot of time. 
  • Pick a few meals to make ahead of time. There are plenty of recipes that can be made on the weekend then stuck in the fridge, or even made in bulk so they can be used more than once over a month. 

Healthy eating can be straightforward and even fun, especially if you have a good plan.