
Artmaker: Draw It Out!

Digital, open-ended drawing activities to help children with expressing feelings.

Sometimes there are just no words, and that’s where art comes in. Art is also a good way to start sharing our stories. Share these open-ended drawing activities and ask children to tell you about what they’ve drawn. There are different “canvases” to choose from; for each, use these conversation starters: 

  • Feeling Basket: Draw a feeling in the basket. When have you felt each of those feelings? 
  • Draw What’s in Your Heart: Tell me about what you’ve drawn. Did something happen that made you feel that way? When have you felt like that before? 
  • My Life Journal: A canvas to draw, write, and remember special memories.  
  • Picture This: Draw someone important in your life. Tell me about who you’ve drawn. Would you like to share a story or memory about this person? 
  • A Face I Know: Draw someone you love, for when feelings are too big for words.